As someone who has constantly changing eyesight and needed a new prescription almost every year for the majority of my life I greatly value my vision care. Contacts and glasses can be expensive, not to mention when something else might be causing issues with your eyes that requires attention. I know that my optometrist checks for other issues with my eyes, but I was not aware that they are the first to identify high cholesterol 62% of the time, found by HCMS Group.
I know that many people who do not need prescriptions do not go to the eye doctor, and many employers are starting to see vision care as not so important. I’m wondering if this makes sense. I recently found an article “Employers Failing to See Benefits of Vision Coverage” which does a nice job of explaining other ways that vision care can affect your entire wellness program. So before you nix vision care make sure you do your due diligence relating to employees’ health, as well as recruitment efforts. The amount I receive from my vision benefits is substantial and I find it to be a very valuable benefit.
If you’ve gotten rid of your vision benefits, how did your employees take the news?
Erica L.